May Day Wildflower Walk & Potluck a soggy success
May 3, 2022
Land Trusts & Forest Stewardship: An FSF Feature in Forest Stewards Guild Magazine
May 26, 2022To honor the memory of distinguished forest educator and visionary conservationist James C. Finley, the Foundation for Sustainable Forests is introducing a new annual event, the Jim Finley Stewardship Day.
On this day, date to be determined, we will come together at an FSF-conserved property for a project that is tied to the health and resilience of the forest. Jim was a thought leader in the conservation and thoughtful management of our forests, but he also valued hands-on work in the woods. We hope to carry his legacy forward by working side by side each year to steward our woodlands.
Projects could include maintenance or construction of a bridge over a run to allow for sustainable horse-logging, invasive plant management, trash cleanup, and other related projects.
FSF can supply the necessary tools and supplies to get the job done, but you are also encouraged to bring your own tools, work gloves, etc. Dress for the weather, but also for brambles, muddy terrain, etc.
More details to follow about location, project, food and beverages, etc. We will request that you RSVP for this event, so that we can plan the projects according to the group size.
UPDATE: The first annual Jim Finley Stewardship Day will take place on Saturday, October 1, 2022 – save the date!